What do these interns love about Abivin?

You might be mistaken to assume Abivin is just an office with desks, chairs, computers and employees. We are so much more!

At Abivin, experiencing is learning

“I was trusted with tasks I have little experience with. I experimented and learned, then I made it work,” Tai Nguyen – our Data Scientist Intern – shared about his time working at Abivin.

Tai is a rising senior majoring in Economics and Statistics at Haverford College, USA. During his studies, Tai was immersed in exploiting data and its application to solve practical problems. Interested in pursuing a career in the Data Science field, he decided to land his summer internship destination at Abivin.

Throughout his internship, Tai is mostly responsible for data-related projects, in which he explores the database to generate insights that are tailored to our customers’ needs. Although he did not have much experience with coding at first, Tai is now equipped with an improved set of technical skills, after tons of database queries, Python coding and most importantly, going around asking questions.

Abivin Team on Shark Tank
Abivin Team on Shark Tank

“Working with the back-end team has been an invaluable experience,” Tai said. “I get to work on actual things that our customers use on a daily basis. Being on my own to drive the project is challenging, but the satisfaction of making it happen is truly rewarding.”

There is no better thing than a supportive environment

“On our first interaction, Abivin struck me as a young, professional and potential company,” Helen Tran talked about her first impression of Abivin. Helen applied to work part-time at Abivin during her junior year at FTU, when she was passionate about exploring Big Data, AI, Machine Learning and their applications to solving supply chain management problems. Having been working as a Sales and Marketing Intern for four months, Helen further added, “It is odd that my co-workers never cease to surprise me with their energy and ambition.”

Asked about her memorable experience at Abivin, Helen recalled her first assignment, when she was tasked with writing a blog article about minimizing last-mile delivery costs. Helen remembered having to edit her writing several times before she passed all article checklists. “It contained so many mistakes and lacked consistency.” Just when she felt her blog article was “a total disaster,” her senior co-workers and Ms. Cassie – the COO – sent her some resources to help her revise and improve the article. Helen recalled, “It came as a surprise to me that the article was so well-received. That month we saw an upward trend of views, resulting in more leads reaching out to Abivin.”

Helen - Sales and Marketing Intern
Helen - Sales and Marketing Intern

Helen further commented that what she appreciates the most about Abivin is her co-workers. “They inspire me and provide me great support both at work and in my daily life. Us – as a team – is what I look to whenever I feel down.”

You are not an intern, but an employee

Huyen Tran – a newly graduated senior – came to Abivin when she found herself interested in a career path in HR. At Abivin, Huyen is in charge of recruitment tasks. On a daily basis, she collects CVs, organizes interviews for candidates and communicates with employees from different departments in the company.

Huyen shared that she has learned a lot about professional recruitment process. Especially, Abivin's internal processes are highly automated with software assistance, which help us work so efficiently. Since the workload is huge, Huyen has greatly improved her attention to detail.

On her second day of work, Huyen was assigned to prepare an interview script. She remembered feeling motivated as her work was shared to the whole company. “Ms. Cassie is very supportive, patient and willing to explain everything. I was immediately given projects to work on my own on my first week of work,” Huyen said.

Huyen Tran - HR Intern
Huyen Tran - HR Intern

But it is not all about working

“The best part of my internship revolves around team-building and networking. I can’t tell how much I appreciate Abivin’s welcoming culture.”

Hanh Doan recalled her first day of work when she was tasked to deliver candies and introduce herself to all Abivin members. She expected it to be nerve-racking at first, but the welcoming and energetic environment proved her wrong.

Hanh admitted that she was lucky to attend Abivin’s regular team-building event on her first week of work. “My experience far surpassed what I expected it was going to be. It was encouraging to see myself settling in so quickly,” she said.

Abivin in a team-building event
Abivin in a team-building event

We – Abivin – are a small team doing big things. At Abivin, we encourage big ideas and learn from our mistakes. “You cannot find Abivin-ers elsewhere. Abivin converges talents and opportunities, and that makes us unique in our own way.” – Helen Tran

In case you're curious about opportunities to be part of our big dream, check out all the available openings, and apply right here: https://abivin.freshteam.com/jobs

#internship #AbivinVietnam #english

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